2HR Prayer and Worship Session by Apostle Grace Lubega

2HR Prayer and Worship Session by Apostle Grace Lubega

#ApostleGraceLubegaWorship #Phaneroo Worship Medley Session with Apostle Grace Lubega. Part 1 - 0:00:00 Part 2 - 0:32:44 Part 3 - 0:57:09 Part 4 - 1:18:51 You can download the Phaneroo App for Sermons and Worship sessions free from the Ministry. Android: https://bit.ly/phanerooandroidapp​ iOS: https://bit.ly/phanerooiphoneapp ​ Subscribe to ‪@phaneroo‬ to catch all our Sunday and Thursday Service Live-streams. https://phaneroo.org​   / phaneroo​     / phanerookampala​     / phanerookampala​   Be Blessed, Share, Like and Subscribe! #WorshipMedley #PhanerooWorship