Resident Evil 5 PS5 4K 60FPS - Amateur S Rank - Chapter 1-1
For S Rank going forward on all difficulties, this is my recommendation. If you finished a Normal playthrough, you should have enough points to get infinite ammo for at least one weapon. The one I would HIGHLY recommend (which you should use throughout S Rank) is the Lightning Hawk magnum. The reason is that this magnum is extremely powerful, excellent handling and quick fire rate compared to the other magnums. This will kill all zombies and make most of the boss fights seem easy in retrospect. In order to fully upgrade the Lightning Hawk to unlock the infinite ammo for it, it will cost you ₦76,000 (including buying it). With a standard playthrough, you should have more than enough to cover the cost. And if you saved properly, you should be able to fully upgrade another to give to Sheva. With both characters equipped with a maxed out Lightning Hawk, this will make your runs far easier. Once you hit Professional, however, is when you can run into serious trouble, even with a fully upgraded infinite magnum (that will be covered later). Once fully upgraded, unlock the infinite ammo for 15,000 points and make sure to turn it on in the Bonus Features. With that done, you should now have infinite ammo for the Lightning Hawk. Amateur should give you no difficulties, minus the occasional accuracy slip. Nothing to worry about as the chapters will fly by. Resident Evil 5 PS5 4K 60FPS - Amateur S Rank [Playlist] - • Resident Evil 5 PS5 4K 60FPS - Amateu... Follow me: https://linktr.ee/richardbisso #re5ps5 #ps5 #residentevil5ps5