Online Worship Service for First Christian Church of Lompoc for November 13, 2022
This is the online/live-stream worship service for First Christian Church of Lompoc, California. Our physical location is 1517 W College Ave in Lompoc. We are meeting live at the church and on YouTube with links on Facebook. The message "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake", from Pastor Mary Jo is based on Matthew 5:10. Lillian Street is our Worship Leader, and Sally Cason is the Presiding Elder. Wayne Hart, our Music Director, directs the choir’s special music, while Pastor Dave and Wayne lead the church in song. Everyone is welcome to worship with us. Our service starts at 10:30 AM, Sunday, which can be viewed online any time after the live-stream service has uploaded. Be sure to click on the “Thumbs Up,” “Share,” and “Subscribe” icons adjacent to the video screen, on YouTube.