The 8th Sunday after Pentecost Mass - with Spiritual Communion July 18, 2021

The 8th Sunday after Pentecost Mass - with Spiritual Communion July 18, 2021

St Barnabas is a small Anglo-Catholic congregation. Because of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the congregation is not able to be physically present to welcome you. Nonetheless we are thrilled that you are able to join us via YouTube. You may find the service complicated and hard to follow. Having developed over many centuries, the mass is filled with ritual, symbols, language and music. We are in the process of developing materials to help those who are new to the mass better understand the elements that make up the mass. At its core the mass is a means by which humans can encounter the divine. It is that encounter that has kept the congregation of St Barnabas attending since 1870. We pray that you may enjoy such an encounter through the mass. The service leaflet here contains most of the text you will hear and the congregational responses. It also includes a prayer that you may use as you make your spiritual communion.