Monday Motivation:  Acute Renal Failure (Free NCLEX Review)

Monday Motivation: Acute Renal Failure (Free NCLEX Review)

Join our 7 Days of NCLEX Free Review and let ReMar help you every step of the way. Sign up for FREE today at In this must-watch video, Prof. Regina Callion, MSN, RN, breaks down everything that we need to know about Acute Renal Failure (ARF). ARF happens when the kidneys suddenly stop working properly, which can lead to serious health problems. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:15 Secret Santa Sale 00:08:39 Nursing Career 00:10:49 Acute Renal Failure 00:21:46 Phases 00:23:56 Classification 00:24:51 Management 00:32:22 Nursing Priorities 00:39:13 NCLEX Practice Questions 00:47:32 Patience Prof. Callion will explain what ARF is in simple terms, walk you through its stages and phases, and help you understand how it’s classified based on what causes it. You’ll also learn about the best ways to manage ARF, including important medical treatments, lifestyle changes, and nursing priorities to provide the best care for patients. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more informative content on nursing and healthcare topics. Download the ReMar V2 App: ►For iOS: ►For Android: ► Find JOBS: ► NCLEX for Africa - ► Get NCLEX V2: ► Get Quick Facts Next Gen - ► FOLLOW ReMar on Instagram:   / remarnurse   ► LIKE ReMar on Facebook:   / remarreview   ► Subscribe Now on YouTube - #AcuteRenalFailure #NCLEXVirtualTrainer #nclexprep #nclexnursing #remarreview