I wish I knew these sooner! DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES (8 Lifting mistakes to avoid)

I wish I knew these sooner! DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES (8 Lifting mistakes to avoid)

Hey guys in this video I cover some big mistakes that I have made myself when it comes to lifting in hopes that you don't make the same mistakes. chances are we started training and our plan is to do it for the long haul, so if you take these tips to heart I think they will really help keep you healthy, and in the gym for the rest of your life. Enjoy! Buy my programs and get STRONG: https://szat-strength.myshopify.com/c... Programming app: https://szatstrength.programs.app/ Discord Server:   / discord   HD Supplements Use Code "Szatstrength": https://hdmuscle.com/ Follow me on social media IG- @Szatstrength & @LionsDenEliteTraining Want to send me stuff? 311 Bethlehem Pike Colmar PA Suite K 18915 FB group for form checks/training talk: "The Iron Lions" Podcast: Becoming The Lion Available on: Itunes, Spotify, & podbean