Cơm cuộn thịt bò/Beef kimbab/소고기김밥/김밥

Cơm cuộn thịt bò/Beef kimbab/소고기김밥/김밥

[엄마표 소고기김밥] 소고기 여러가지야채 넣어 김밥 만들어 놓으며 인기가 최고입니다 나들이 최고메뉴 엄마표 소고기김밥 입니다❤ 재료 김밥4줄정도 소고기200그람 후추조금 진간장2큰술 다진마늘1/2큰술 설탕1큰술 계란3개 단무지4개 사각어묵1~2개 맛살 햄 당근1개 깻잎12장 시금치 김 4장 (톱니과도 톱니빵칼 ) 만드는 방법 1 시금치 *뜨거운물에 소금조금 시금치 넣어 삶기 *줄기가 익으면 찬물에 헹궈 물기 제거 2 다시마 밥 양념하기 *다시마 제거 후 밥에 가는소금 맛소금 참기름 넣고 간하기 3 소고기 양념 *갈은 소고기 200그람 후추조금 다진마늘1/2큰술 진간장2큰술 설탕2큰술 넣고 양념하기 4 사각어묵 썰기 5 계란지단 붙치기 *팬에 식용유조금 계란 넣고 도톰 하게 부침 6 재료 볶기 *맛살 햄 살짝 볶기 *당근 1개 가는소금 넣고 볶기 *어묵에 물1큰술 진간장1큰술 참기름1큰술 넣고 볶기 *고기 볶기 *시금치에 맛소금조금 참깨 참기름 넣고 무침 *계란 썰기 7 김밥말기 *김ㅡ밥ㅡ깻잎3장ㅡ단무지 소고기 계란 당근 시금치 햄 맛살 어묵 넣고 ㅡ 돌돌말기 **톱니과도나 빵칼로 김밥썰기 쉽습니다** Beef kimbab 1 Ingredients: Beef, minced garlic, pepper, salt, sesame oil, eggs Yellow pickled radish, grilled fish, crab sticks, carrots, perilla leaves, spinach, sheets dried laver seaweed 2 Put a little salt, spinach in a pot of boiling water Wait for the spinach stalks soft, then get them out of hot water, soak in cold water and squeeze out all the excess moisture with your hand 3 Cook rice with kelps, when the rice is cooked, remove the kelps, season with a little salt and sesame oil 4 Add pepper, ½ tablespoon minced garlic, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons sugar to 200 grams of ground beef and mix well the beef has had time to marinate 5 Cut the grilled fish into strips 6 Add a little salt to the eggs, whisk well Put a little cooking oil in a pan and fry thick pieces 7 With crab sticks and minced meat, saute them in a pan 8 Grate 1 carrot and stir-fry with a little salt 9 Put 1 spoon of water, 1 spoon of soy sauce, 1 spoon of sesame oil into the grilled fish and stir well 10 Stir-fry beef 11 Put a little salt, sesame, sesame oil in spinach and squeeze it well 12 Cut fried eggs into thick strips 13 Spread the rice evenly on a sheet dried laver seaweed and then put 3 perilla leaves on the rice, then put the remaining ingredients on top and roll tightly Cut into bite-sized pieces, decorate on a wooden plate