Astral Projection Binaural Beats Theta Realms (DEEP THETA WAVES 777 HZ MEDITATION) +Isochronic Tones

Astral Projection Binaural Beats Theta Realms (DEEP THETA WAVES 777 HZ MEDITATION) +Isochronic Tones

Astral Projection Binaural Beats Theta Realms epic 777 Hz meditation series. Back and is always a powerful, enjoyable experience for reflection and engaging brainwave sound journey WITH Powerful Theta And Delta Waves to go deep on a 7 hours astral projection sleep frequency music theme. This entry in the series is called " THE GREAT VOID OF TRUTH" and does many different and new customizations to the fundamental formula OF binaural beats and isochronic tones - very different journey than the last! I am not the lazy type with my meditations and explorations, and enjoyment is vital! As always, changes and potential new explorations and journeys are a guarantee! Still, fresh new ride and experience so enjoy it:) Theta Realms has been doing meditation for Out Of Body Experience Music for a long time. The 777 series has been a hit so that it will be coming back for more. Each sound journey in the series differs in music and even brainwave custom settings while maintaining fundamental elements of the formula. REGARDLESS OF different people with different beliefs. Enjoy YOUR BELIEFS on astral projection deep brainwave meditations and use them as you desire. they all offer something for the deep dives and or the practical side. Of one, the primary functions of my music are enjoyment and effective stimulation and custom-created music and sound designs created with love for powerfully entering deep meditation. 🎵 DOWNLOAD WAV - MP3 FILE OF THIS SINGLE OR SUBSCRIBE FOR FULL ACCESS - ▶️ POWERFUL 7 HOUR ASTRAL PROJECTION MEDITATION| OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE MUSIC - By Theta Realms Brainwave Sound Journeys. Often deep theta and DELTA sound induced lucid dream states can stimulate a perception that feels like an out of body experience. Some will call it a lucid dream, while others will call it an astral projection. Some will perceive it as a profound meditation experience. This is for you to explore and discover, and your experience on the astral plane will be your very own. ( 777 HZ FREQUENCY ) DEEPEST BRAINWAVE MEDITATION With ISOCHRONIC TONES Astral projection refers to an out-of-body-experience (OBE) during which the astral body leaves the physical body and travels to the astral plane. People often experience this state during illness or when involved in a near-death experience, but it is also possible to practice at will with the use of brainwave music and binaural beats frequencies. Astral projection (or astral travel) is an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation. People, who say they experience astral projection often say that their spirit or astral body has left their physical body. And moves in another dimension OR is it just a state of perception? Please Rate 👍 share 🙏and comment 🤓 and stay tuned for Much More! BEST PRACTICES: ▶ find a place of your choice to lay down and relax. ▶ lay down flat on your back and use good headphones if possible. ▶ close your eyes or cover them to ensure no light enters the eyes. ▶ breathe - follow any meditation breathing exercise you choose. ▶ just let the music guide you with the frequency following response. ▶ volume level 50% and up in the day time - 40% and down in the night. ▶ find your sweet spot in terms of where and how you listen. ▶▶▶NEVER DRIVE WHILE LISTENING TO THETA REALMS. ▶ for full effect, explore with these guidelines, and add your own. Follow these basic guidelines and journey well. Theta meditation is powerful and will make you feel good also. Just remember it may not be for everyone, so gauge your experiences and form your conclusions on its value to you. Music Custom Composed by Mr. Theta for Theta Realms - Theta Realms Brainwave Meditation Music Creates best Lucid Dreaming music to induce Lucid Dreams and extremely powerful Binaural Beats Brainwave Theta Meditation Music and Astral Projection Music to navigate what many call the Astral Plane. Amazing Theta Binaural Beats and custom Music created for Out of Body Perception, Relaxation, and enjoyment. THETA REALMS - Brainwave Sound Journeys 2019 (C) #ThetaRealms #BrainwaveSoundJourneys#BrainwaveMeditation #PowerfulBinauralBeats #isochronicTones #AstralProjectionBinauralBeats#777HzBinauralBeats #AstralProjectionMusic