Pediatric PG Teaching Program - Orientation to Practical Exam

Pediatric PG Teaching Program - Orientation to Practical Exam

#PediatricPGTeachingProgram Oreintation to Practical Exam Mentor: Dr Sanjiv Lewin THE WHITE ARMY To make studies more interesting and enjoyable, we are constantly trying to share most important tables, charts, diagrams, mnemonics, scoring systems, diagnostic criterias, motivating quotes and other useful study materials on ANDROID APP - All in 1 Free Medical Education App for Medicos INSTAGRAM PAGE @the_whitearmy   / the_whitearmy   TELEGRAM GROUP PDFs, PPTs and other study materials stored for easy, convenient access and download. Anyone interested to present clinical cases, willing to join whatsapp discussion group, can send a mail to [email protected] #StudyManiaInSocialMedia #HelpOthersToHelpOurselves #StudyEnjoyingEnjoyStudying DISCLAIMER THE WHITE ARMY does not own or claim to own any of the media used in the following video/stream. The media belong to their respective owners who may have copyright over them.The media have been taken from various sources and are used for medical educational purposes only. The following video/stream may contain images that may not be suitable for all audiences, viewer discretion is advised.