मूंगदाल के तीखे चटपटे करारे पकोड़े |Moong Dal Vada Recipe |Moong dalpakoda|Pakoda kushwahajikitchen

मूंगदाल के तीखे चटपटे करारे पकोड़े |Moong Dal Vada Recipe |Moong dalpakoda|Pakoda kushwahajikitchen

मूंगदाल के तीखे चटपटे करारे पकोड़े |Moong Dal Vada Recipe |Moong dalpakoda|Pakoda kushwahajikitchen chutney Ingredients: Whole kashmiri red chillies | कश्मीरी लाल मिर्च Garlic | लहसून 4-5 cloves Onion | प्याज़ 1 medium sized Fresh mint leaves | पुदीना a small handful Green chillies | हरी मिर्ची 2-3 nos. Tamarind | इमली 1.5 tbsp Salt | नमक to taste Water | पानी very little Method: Add all the ingredients in a grinding jar and grind to make fine chutey, your spicy coconut chutney is ready, serve it with moong dal ke bhajiye or any other fritters of your choice. Ingredients: Split yellow dal | पीली मूंग दाल 1 cup Salt | नमक to taste Ginger | अदरक 1 inch (chopped) Green chillies | हरी मिर्ची 2-3 nos. (chopped) Curry leaves | कड़ी पत्ता 8-10 nos. (chopped) Black peppercorn | काली मिर्च 1 tsp (freshly crushed)