Hollow Knight: Cheat Any Boss With THIS - Invincibility Glitch Guide For Consoles

Hollow Knight: Cheat Any Boss With THIS - Invincibility Glitch Guide For Consoles

In order to do the invincibility glitch in Hollow Knight you need a decent number of things. The most important being the Crystal Heart and the Dream Gate. If you don't have those yet See the links below: Crystal Heart:    • Hollow Knight- How to Find Crystal He...   Dream Gate:    • Hollow Knight- How to Fast Travel wit...   It is not likely this is getting patched out any time soon while Team Cherry is busy working on Hollow Knight Silksong. This glitch should be safe for a long while. Hope you enjoy! Lofi Gaming Music: 📺 Youtube:    / @relyealofigamingmusic   🎶 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0asz0... Limited edition merch: 👕 https://relyea-shop.fourthwall.com/ Become a member to get custom badges and emotes, early access to videos, private discord access and more: 🏅    / @relyeagaming   You can also follow me: 🎥 TikTok:   / relyea   🐦 Twitter: @HelyeaRelyea 💬 Discord:   / discord