#OnlineMass【Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time】 Rev. Gabriel Altamirano Ortega
#OnlineMass Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) 17 Sept 2023 (Sun) 9:30 am Celebrant: Rev. Gabriel Altamirano Ortega #TwentyfourthSundayinOrdinaryTime #CatholicWayHK #HKDAVC #CatholicDioceseofHongKong #RevGabrielAltamiranoOrtega Sunday Missal & Hymn Lyrics: https://bit.ly/3XfSvpq * Since the pandemic has subsided, the faithful from now on are to observe again the Sunday obligation. They are to take part in the Sunday Mass. From 12 Feb onwards, “Catholic Way” will only net cast live at the Cathedral the Mass in Chinese and English. To review the online Sunday Mass and Homily, please click here:https://bit.ly/3DTbbED "Live Chats & Comments" will be turned off during Live Webcast