Baking Soda Gender Test At Home & Reveal | Boy or Girl??? | Vlogmas2020 | Gender Prediction

Baking Soda Gender Test At Home & Reveal | Boy or Girl??? | Vlogmas2020 | Gender Prediction

I recorded this video to see if the baking soda gender prediction was accurate...Enjoy! #vlogmas2020 #bakingsodagendertest #genderprediction #boyorgirl Hello everyone! If you’re new here welcome, let me introduce myself. My name is Theresa I am a mom of three girls. I love to Vlog about family, mom life, being an entrepreneur, saving money and getting out of debt. Layla 6 years old Lexie 5 years old Lakelynn 12 months old “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can come together!” Marilyn Monroe So stick around as I am bark on living my best life, creating memories with my girls, working hard, saving money, getting out of debt after divorce all while finding myself again. Make sure you like, comment and subscribe so you don’t miss that out on any of my videos. Subscribe to my channel here    • Video   Subscribe to our family channel here    • Video   Check out my blog Theresa’s Poshmark closet Business inquires & collabs email me! [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] #singlemom #ditl #Budgetmom #girlmom #workfromhomemom #entreprenuer #livingmybestlife The music used in this video I do not own.