Witcher 3 - All 15 Endings Ranked WORST to BEST
This Witcher 3 video is sponsored by Atlas VPN! Grab Atlas VPN for just $1.99/month + 3 months for free before the deal expires: https://get.atlasvpn.com/NeonKnight Patreon: / neonknightyt (I've made The Witcher 2 analysis available there) Twitter: / neonknightyt Instagram: / qknightz Geralt and Ciri in Witcher armor image in thumbnail from Outspokenbeef15 on Flickr - check his other screenshots out here! https://flickr.com/people/182103940@N06/ 0:00 Laying Down the Law 1:02 Sponsor 1:54 Ranking Ciri’s Endings 9:11 Who Should Rule Skellige? 11:32 Who Should Rule the Northern Realms? 14:34 Ranking Hearts of Stone’s Endings 15:20 Ranking Blood & Wine’s Main Quest Endings 24:14 goodbye goodbye The Witcher content will be posted on this channel on a weekly basis, sometimes more frequently!