12 18 22 SERMON - Rev. Denise Clark-Jones, Westminster Presby. Church, Peoria, IL
Ahaz, Joseph and the Big On this fourth Sunday of Advent, the Scripture readings point to the faithful responses of God’s people as they await their coming Savior, Jesus Christ. In our reading from Isaiah, King Ahaz of the Northern Kingdom of Israel has rejected God’s command not to make an alliance with Assyria, even though God has offered Ahaz a sign to assure him God will protect Israel. So, God gives a sign to the “house of David” that future generations of Israelites will be protected by a king who has not yet been born. The psalmist implores God to protect Israel and in return, the people will be faithful. In Paul’s letter to the Roman congregation, he introduces himself as a servant of God in continuity with the prophets of the Hebrew scriptures. He expresses his hope that the congregation will be recipients of God’s grace and peace, “shalom,” which is the Jewish idea of being in right relationship with God. Matthew’s Gospel highlights Joseph’s righteousness. He refuses to expose Mary to public shame and is obedient to God’s instructions. Joseph’s grace and faithfulness allow God’s story to continue to the birth of Jesus, our Emmanuel—God with us. 🛎"SUBSCRIBE" now to get notified first of new videos. Please check the “LIKE” button above. Leave us a comment and let us know what your favorite part of the service was. STAY CONNECTED Website: https://westminsterpeoria.org/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4gZ... Facebook: / westminsterp. . Twitter: @westminsterpeo Gretchen R. Iben Arts Series Concerts: https://westminsterpeoria.org/music-a... Iben Facebook: / ibenartseries TO SUPPORT this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world, visit https://onrealm.org/Westminster1420/-... PRAYER: If you are dealing with something in your life and would like to have someone praying for you, let us know. Send us your prayer requests: https://westminsterpeoria.org/prayer-... The musical portions of this service that are copyrighted are used by permission under the OneLicense, net agreement, A726060