5 Best Nutritional Herbs For Dogs (And One Powerhouse Has Them All)
5 best nutritional herbs for dogs and the one powerhouse that has them all!. ***FREE DOG HEALTH GUIDE [5 Easy Steps to 'Health Boost' Kibble Meals & Heal Day-to-Day Health Issues] - Simple. Fast. HEALING. https://healthydogforlife.com/guide RESOURCES & LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO: SUBSCRIBE to Learn Healthier Feeding and Home Remedy Tips. A KINDER, MORE NATURAL WAY to BETTER DOG HEALTH - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... FREE DOG HEALTH GUIDE - DOWNLOAD YOUR 5 STEP DOG HEALTH ACTION LIST 5 steps (simple & fast) to make your dogs kibble meals MUCH healthier and begin healing common health problems fast - https://healthydogforlife.com/guide WATCH The HEALTHIER KIBBLE DIET VIDEO Here - https://healthydogforlife.com/feed-yo... BUY THE eBOOK: FEED YOUR DOG BETTER: Solve your dogs day to day health problems with some quick additions to kibble meals and watch as skin problems, tummy troubles, allergies, ear infections and a dozen other health complaints fade fast with the [Healthier Kibble Diet, Home Cooked Food Diet and The Raw Food Diet] and MUCH more inside. WATCH the VIDEO here - https://healthydogforlife.com/feed-yo... PRODUCT LINKS: Turmeric - https://amzn.to/3pYqD94 Alfalfa Tincture - https://amzn.to/35ggxIr Oregano oil - https://amzn.to/3nlqxq9 Dandelion Tincture - https://amzn.to/2MIwjFP Milk Thistle - https://amzn.to/3bfWOMT Green Vibrance (The Powerhouse) - https://amzn.to/3q3ygLr (eBook) Feed Your Dog Better - https://healthydogforlife.com/feed-yo... VIDEO LINKS: 32 reasons Oregano Oil is the Antibiotic replacement for dogs - • Oregano Oil For Dogs (32 Powerful Hea... 17 Turmeric for dogs benefits how to make turmeric paste - • 17 Turmeric For Dogs Benefits and Gol... ABOUT TODAYS VIDEO: 5 Best Nutritional Herbs For Dogs 5 herbs dogs can eat that provide the best source of nutrients. Simply choose one or all of them and add them to your dogs diet in rotation or simply as an extra nutritional health boost several days a week. Doing this gives your dog fresh herb based whole food nutrition, rich in complex synergistic health benefits. NUMBER 1 Turmeric improves digestion by stimulating bile production from the gallbladder, soothes intestinal muscles, is a powerful antioxidant and protects the liver. Turmeric is one of the best ways to reduce inflammation, the driver of most disease in the body such as cancer, arthritis, allergies, digestive disorders and bowel disease. Give 75mg per 15lbs of a dogs body weight twice daily. This is a great herb for arthritic dogs. NUMBER 2 is Alfalfa, packed with protein, it provides a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Alfalfa nourishes the digestive, skeletal, glandular, and urinary systems. Alfalfa has also been shown to be effective for dog arthritis and inflammatory joint disease. This is a great herb for a dogs immune system. NUMBER 3 is Oregano, packed with vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A,C, E, B6, K, as well as iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. It's essential oils are anti inflammatory and anti microbial known to aid the healing of allergies, asthma, digestive problems, flu, gum disease, mange, yeast infections and kennel cough. NUMBER 4 is Dandelion. This herb is a bitter herb that benefits dogs by breaking down fats in the body and stimulating the digestive system and reducing inflammation. Dandelion will increases circulation in the body and helps to heal the inflamed lining of the lower gastrointestinal tract. It's also excellent for reducing lipomas or fatty cysts on the skin by helping to remove toxins through the kidneys and liver. Give your dog a 1/2 drop of tincture per pound of body weight. This is an excellent herb for dogs inflammation. NUMBER 5 is Milk Thistle, a proven liver rejuvenator, but is exogenous (not found in common food). Your dogs liver is its largest internal organ and works around the clock filtering toxins from the blood. Because the liver works so hard at filtering and eliminating all of these toxic substances, it is highly susceptible to serious damage. The recommended tincture extract of milk thistle contains 70 to 80% silymarin and should be labeled. Give the tincture starting dose of 1/4 tsp. per 20lbs of your dogs lean body weight per day divided by two daily doses. This is a great herb for the dogs liver health. ----------------- Disclosure: I participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate program that earns fees by linking to Amazon.com and related sites and I'll often link to helpful and effective products I and my customers use and at zero cost to you. All opinions are my own. The information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute specific vet advice for any individual dog, cat or other animal. #bestnutritionalherbsfordogs #nutritionalherbsfordogs #herbsfordogs