Holy Mass, Tuesday of the Twenty Eighth Week in Ordinary Time 10/13/2020

Holy Mass, Tuesday of the Twenty Eighth Week in Ordinary Time 10/13/2020

Holy Mass, Tuesday of the Twenty Eighth Week in Ordinary Time #SaintAnnes #Porterville #Catholic #DailyMass Celebrant: Msgr. Scott Daugherty, St. Anne's Parish, Pastor. Place: Holy Cross Church, Porterville, CA Msgr. Scott Daugherty, St. Anne's Parish Pastor. Porterville CA Msgr. Ronald Royer - Springville Mission (Retired) Parochial Vicar: Rev. Fr. Zacarias Martinez Martinez Deacon Jim Dieterle (Retired) Deacon Goyo Echeveste Deacon John Rees Deacon Mike Avila Convent: Sisters of the Love of God Convento: Hermanas en el Amor de Dios Parish Website / Página de Internet de la Parroquia www.stannesparish.com Facebook: @saintannesparish Twitter: @StAnnesParish_ Instagram: @st_annesparish St. Anne's School Website / Página de Internet de la Escuela Santa Ana www.stannesporterville.org