Materials: One rectangular sheet of paper (standard printer paper works well) Instructions: Fold in Half (Hot Dog Style): Take your rectangular piece of paper and fold it in half lengthwise, bringing the long edges together. Crease it well. Fold in Half Again (Hamburger Style): Now, fold the paper in half again, bringing the shorter edges together. Crease it well and then unfold this last fold. You should now have a crease line down the center of your paper. Fold Top Corners to the Center: Take the top two corners of the open end and fold them down so that they meet along the center crease line you just made. This will create a triangle shape at the top. Fold the Bottom Edge Up (One Side): Take one of the bottom flaps of paper and fold it upwards, bringing the edge to meet the bottom edge of the triangles you just folded. Crease it well. Fold the Bottom Edge Up (Other Side): Flip the entire paper over. Now, take the remaining bottom flap and fold it upwards, again bringing the edge to meet the bottom edge of the triangles on this side. Crease it well. Open the Bottom: You should now have a shape that looks like a hat. Gently reach inside the open bottom edge and pull the two bottom corners apart. Form a Square: As you pull the corners apart, the "hat" will start to flatten into a diamond or square shape. Make sure the creases are sharp. Fold Bottom Corners Up (One Side): Take one of the bottom points of the diamond and fold it upwards to meet the top point. Crease it well. Fold Bottom Corners Up (Other Side): Flip the paper over again. Take the other bottom point of the diamond and fold it upwards to meet the top point on this side. You should now have a smaller triangle shape. Open the Bottom Again: Once more, gently reach inside the open bottom edge of the triangle and pull the two bottom corners apart. Form the Boat: As you pull the corners, the triangle will open up and take the shape of a boat. You might need to gently shape the bottom to make it flat so it can "float." Tips for Georgie's Boat: In the movie "It," Georgie's boat is made from newspaper. If you want to be authentic, you can use a sheet of newspaper instead of regular paper. You can write "S.S. Georgie" on the side of your boat with a marker, just like in the movie. Enjoy your paper boat! Remember to be careful if you decide to float it in any water.