Operations Research I Transportation Problems I finding optimum solution I Theory Explained I Part 3
Operations Research I Transportation Problems I finding optimum solution I Theory Explained I Part 3 The contents of this video are operations research transportation problems meaning of transportation problems finding optimum solution of TP stepping stone method of TP modified distribution method of TP procedure of solving transportation problem transportation problems theory explained transportation problems theory hasham ali khan I have explained in detail the subject of operations research. Transportation problems explained in detail and problems and solutions on transportation problems. complete introduction to the subject of operations research is explained. Watch the video till the end to get a complete command on the subject of operations research. Visit the playlist of my channel for other subjects videos like Financial Accounting, Advanced Accounting, Cost Accounting, Corporate Accounting, Advanced Corporate Accounting, Cost Control and Management Accounting, Income Tax, Business Statistics, Computerised Accounting, Auditing, Business Law, investment management, statistics for management etc. The link of my channel is given below / @hashamalikhan #operationsresearch #researchofoperations #hashamalikhan #transportationproblems #transportationproblemstheory