Conversation at the restaurant with Bengali translation

Conversation at the restaurant with Bengali translation

This video contains useful conversations at the restaurant with Bangla translation. And this topic is really important for spoken English. This topic is one of the most important English topics for daily life. If your mother language is Bangla, you will find this English conversation really helpful. Since we are determined to become the best channel to learn English for the Bengali people, we will always be trying to teach English in the best way. We usually make contents regarding Bangla to English translation, English for daily life, English to Bangla translation, spoken English, basic knowledge of English etc. We shall help you by sharing useful English lessons and we request you to help us by subscribing our channel. #englishtobanglatranslation #englishspeakingpractice #englishconversation #spokenenglish #english #englishtobengalitranslation #banglatoenglishspeakingcourse #basicknowledgeofenglish #banglatoenglishtranslationfordailylife, #bestchanneltolearnenglish #practiceenglishwithanik