What foods can kill dogs instantly
This video shows 10 Human foods that can be toxic to your dogs. You know how dogs get super excited when they see you eating something? They activate those super adorable puppy eyes that instantly make you want to share some of your food with them. Well, you should be careful about that. Dogs have voracious appetites and different metabolisms from us. Therefore, certain foods that are really healthy for us can prove harmful to our furry friends. Moreover, dogs don’t know when to stop eating, so they can swallow large quantities of foods that are toxic for them. 1. Heartworms If you care about your pets, this one might be hard to wrap your head around. Did you know your pet can get worms in their heart?! Disgusting isn’t it? Well that’s not even the half of it. Heartworm is a disease caused by parasitic worms. It can result in lung disease, organ damage and heart failure. The worms enter the body through mosquito bites. As the infection spreads into the animal, larvae from the mosquito begin to grow within the heart. From here, they can spread to the lungs and blood vessels. 2. Much like humans, animals need checkups. If your dog is in good health, you are recommended to take them in once a year for an annual physical exam. A puppy should have their first medical exam pretty much right after you get them. During this exam, the vet will check their health and make sure they are free of parasites. Throughout their years, they need to be taken in for certain types of checkups. 3. This one’s pretty obvious, but it still needs to be mentioned. If your dog is not eating properly, it can be life threatening. There are plenty of poor-quality dog foods out on the market that your animal should stay away from. There is no one feeding schedule for dogs. When and how much you feed them often depends on several different factors. Regardless, veterinarians recommend that you feed your dog at least twice a day. If your dog has some sort of condition, it may require a special feeding schedule. ELCOME TO WHAT HAPPENED?SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL: / @whathappened3307 LIKE AND SHARE AND TURN ON THE BELL,FOR NEW VIDEOS EVERYDAY #Nutrition #Dogs #Health Royalty free Pictures from www.pixabay.com Royalty Free Music from Audio Library – No Copyright Music #what household items can kill a dog instantly #22 foods that can kill your dog #dog killing injection #what dogs can eat #spices that can kill dogs #what can kill a dog in an hour #13 foods poisonous to dogs #20 foods harmful to dogs ⚠️ You’re free to use this song in any of your YouTube videos, but you MUST include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste): –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Sora by Roa / roa_music1031 Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/40IUfKd Music promoted by Audio Library • Sora – Roa (No Co... –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 🎵 Track Info: Title: Sora by Roa Genre and Mood: Dance & Electronic + Happy Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this video are the personal opinions what happened ? channel is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this video All information is provided on an as-is basis. we does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.