SJV Sunday Mass 9/29/24 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

SJV Sunday Mass 9/29/24 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time; September 29, 2024 Presider: Fr. Joseph Cho Deacon: Renee Sosa Begin livestream (0:00) Entrance and Introductory Rites (1:22) Liturgy of the Word (9:24) Homily - Fr. Joseph Cho (20:14) Liturgy of the Eucharist (35:33) Announcements (58:32) Weekly Bulletin: Donations: Copyright Acknowledgments: God Whose Purpose Is To Kindle, Holy Manna, Glory to God by Peter Jones, Psalm 19: The Precepts of the Lord by James J. Chepponis, Salisbury Alleluia by Christopher Walker, The Summons by John Bell, Seek to Serve by Lloyd Pfautsch, Eucharistic Acclamations from “Mass of the Angels and Saints” by Stephen Janco, Lamb of God by Tom Parker, In This Place by Trevor Thomson, The Church of Christ in Ev’ry Age, O Waly Waly and Anthem by Tom Conry are copyrighted and used with permission under # A-706204. All rights reserved.