Advent 2 December 4, 2022 - “Get Ready! Repent!”
Bulletin: https://bit.ly/shepherdak20221204 Service & Hymns: https://bit.ly/shepherdak20221204_ser... John, the forerunner of Christ, fixes our attention on the need for true preparation for the Lord’s coming. Such preparation consists in repentance and reconciliation with God and all people through the Lord Jesus Christ. First Lesson - Isaiah 11:1-10 Isaiah offers a description of the One who comes. Endowed with the fullness of the Spirit, he brings such peace that even natural enemies rest securely with one another. The Messiah’s rule is one of perfect righteousness, and the poor (God’s people) find perfect deliverance in him. Psalm Song of the Day – 341 “Away in a Manger” Second Lesson – Romans 15:4-13 The apostle exhorts the Romans to live the peace described by Isaiah in the First Lesson by showing loving forbearance and acceptance of one another. This is accomplished as believers place their trust in the God of all hope and so are filled with joy and peace in Christ. Gospel – Matthew 3:1-12 John the Baptist proclaims the great advent message: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near…Prepare the way…” Order of Service: The Service - Sacrament on Insert Hymns for Today: 316, 341, 333, 331 vs 1-3, 13-15 Sermon: Romans 15:4-6 “Remember What God Said!” Pastor Fred Voss Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Anchorage AK - Captured Live at http://www.shepherdak.com/live Notes: CW - Christian Worship - A Lutheran Hymnal (ISBN: 9-9944-3858-1) CWS - Christian Worship Supplement (ISBN: 978-0-8100-2062-7) SB - Let All the people Praise You - A Songbook (ISBN: 0-8100-0904-8) All copyrighted music is this service is covered by the following licenses: CCLI CSPL# CSPL060412 OneLicense# A-715814