Setup and Use USB Camera in Raspberry Pi 5 and Linux Ubuntu
#raspberrypi #raspberrypi5 #ros #ros2 #linuxubuntu #computervision #robotics It takes a significant amount of time and energy to create these free video tutorials. You can support my efforts in this way: Buy me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aleksand... PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/AleksandarHaber Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=320801... You Can also press the Thanks YouTube Dollar button In this tutorial, we explain how to properly setup and use a USB camera in Raspberry Pi 5. The main motivation for creating this video tutorial comes from the fact that online you can find a number of tutorials suggesting to use specially dedicated cameras for Raspberry Pi. Well, my suggestion is not to do that. Instead of specially dedicated cameras, to start with computer vision in Raspberry Pi 5, use a simple USB camera that you can buy almost anywhere, or that you might have near your desktop computer. Later on, if you need, you can buy a high-performance USB camera that can be used for professional computer vision and robotics applications. Over here, you can see my experimental setup. I am using a Raspberry Pi 5 with 8GB RAM. I installed an SSD to my Rasbperry Pi 5 to increase the read and write speed to my disk. This significantly improves the performance of the Rasbperry Pi 5. Then, I am using an old USB camera. The camera is nothing special, however, it will serve its purpose of demonstrating how to setup a USB camera in Rasbperry Pi 5. Here is one very important comment. I am running Linux Ubuntu 24.04 on Raspberry Pi5. Since Rasbperry Pi 5 has enough memory and is powerful enough, I suggest to everyone who wants to do robotics with Rasbperry Pi 5 to install Linux Ubuntu instead of the Rasbperrian Operating system.