[찬송가 반주] 새찬송가 536장 (통326장) 죄짐에 눌린 사람은 Come, Every Soul by Sin Oppressed

[찬송가 반주] 새찬송가 536장 (통326장) 죄짐에 눌린 사람은 Come, Every Soul by Sin Oppressed

#536장피아노반주,#536장4부반주,#찬송가ppt피아노 1 죄짐에 눌린 사람은 다 주께 나오라 주 말씀 의지할 때에 곧 평안 얻으리 의지하세 의지하세 주 의지하세 구하시네 구하시네 곧 구하시네 2 참 구원 주신 주께서 보혈을 흘렸네 눈같이 희게 할 피에 온몸을 잠그세 의지하세 의지하세 주 의지하세 구하시네 구하시네 곧 구하시네 3 길 되신 우리 구세주 늘 인도하시네 너 지체 말고 믿으면 참 복을 받겠네 의지하세 의지하세 주 의지하세 구하시네 구하시네 곧 구하시네 4 온 성도 하나 되어서 영광 길 걸으면 한없는 은혜받아서 영원히 누리리 의지하세 의지하세 주 의지하세 구하시네 구하시네 곧 구하시네 1 Come, ev-ery soul by sin op-pressed, There's mer-cy with the Lord, And He will sure-ly give you rest, By trust-ing in His word On-ly trust Him, on-ly trust Him, On-ly trust Him now; He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now 2 For Je-sus shed His pre-cious blood Rich bless-ings to be-stow; Plunge now in-to the crim-son flood That wash-es white as snow On-ly trust Him, on-ly trust Him, On-ly trust Him now; He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now 3 Yes, Je-sus is the truth, the way, That leads you in-to rest; Be-lieve in Him with-out de-lay, And you are ful-ly blest On-ly trust Him, on-ly trust Him, On-ly trust Him now; He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now 4 Come, then, and join this ho-ly band, And on to glo-ry go, To dwell in that ce-les-tial land, Where joys im-mor-tal flow On-ly trust Him, on-ly trust Him, On-ly trust Him now; He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now