Apples And Bananas Learning Rhymes, Educational Fun Videos, Phonics Song #shortsforkids #trending
Apples & Bananas kids' learning app is now LIVE 🔴 DOWNLOAD NOW! App Store : https://apps.apple.com/in/app/apples-... Play Store : https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Apples and Bananas, the early learning app for toddlers and preschoolers, is here! Explore fun songs, interactive activities, educational videos, games, bedtime stories and more! 🎵📖 Kids Channel Telugu - తెలుగు రైమ్స్ మేము పిల్లల కోసం తెలుగు పాటలను రూపొందించడానికి ప్రయత్నిస్తున్నాము. మా తాజా తెలుగు రైమ్ - ఏక్ మోతా హాథీ మీతో పంచుకుంటున్నాను Kids Channel Telugu - నర్సరీ ప్రాసలు always brings you an amazing set of nursery rhymes and telugu cartoon songs for all the kids, which helps you to learn your preschool lessons with fun. Visit our website http://www.uspdigital.co/ for more Children’s Nursery Rhymes & Kids Videos #telugurhymes #telugucartoons #telugusongs #rhymesintelugu #kidschanneltelugu #babyvideos #kidsanimation #videosfortoddlers #nurseryrhymes #kavita #telugu #traditional #తెలుగు #కార్టూన్ #పిల్లలపాటలు ============================================ Music and Lyrics: Copyright USP Digital™ Video: Copyright USP Digital™ ============================================