Can We Solve Tiny Town's Homelessness Crisis in Cities Skylines 2?

Can We Solve Tiny Town's Homelessness Crisis in Cities Skylines 2?

In this episode of Cities Skylines 2, we return to Tiny Town, our beloved small city builder project, as we face the challenges posed by the new Economy 2.0 update. Our journey begins with an unexpected tornado, adding an extra layer of difficulty to managing the smallest Cities Skylines city. As we navigate the aftermath, we notice a concerning trend of homelessness potentially affecting Tiny Town, and we investigate the impact on our city's performance. As we delve into the issue, we find that homelessness might be contributing to the lag in Tiny Town. Unlike Walk City, Tiny Town doesn't seem to have the same visible clusters of homeless people, but the impact is still felt. We decide to take drastic measures to balance our budget, which includes increasing residential taxes by 2 percent across the board. This decision, though tough, is necessary to curb the half a million per hour loss we're experiencing. Our focus then shifts to optimizing healthcare and death care services in Cities Skylines 2 Tiny Town. We identify and remove excess crematoriums and cemeteries that are underutilized, cutting down on unnecessary expenses. The impact of these changes begins to show as we gradually reduce our healthcare budget, helping us get closer to financial stability in our tiny city builder. Education in Tiny Town also comes under scrutiny. We evaluate the usage of colleges and high schools, removing those that are not fully utilized. This includes some significant cuts, like eliminating a college that was costing us nearly a million a month. These changes are essential in our quest to maintain the smallest Cities Skylines city and keep it thriving under the new economic pressures. Our next target is parks and recreation. We realize that Tiny Town has an overabundance of parks, each adding to our financial burden. By removing excess parks, especially those that are redundant or too costly, we aim to streamline our expenses. This tough decision is part of our broader strategy to optimize Tiny Town's budget and ensure its survival in Cities Skylines 2. We then move on to reviewing our police and fire services. While essential, we find that some of these services are overextended and can be scaled back without compromising safety. Adjusting these services helps us further reduce our operating costs and brings us one step closer to a balanced budget in our tiny city builder. The new Economy 2.0 update in Cities Skylines 2 also prompts us to re-evaluate our industrial zones. We identify areas where industrial demand can be met more efficiently, including expanding our farming zones. This expansion not only supports our local economy but also helps us meet the increased demand for industrial goods in the smallest Cities Skylines city. Despite our efforts, Tiny Town continues to face challenges with its population and budget. We explore different strategies to attract new residents and businesses, including adjusting tax rates and offering incentives. These efforts are crucial as we strive to stabilize Tiny Town and make it a thriving part of Cities Skylines 2. As we navigate these changes, we keep a close eye on the overall health and happiness of our residents. Ensuring access to essential services while maintaining a balanced budget is a delicate balance, but one that is necessary for the long-term success of Tiny Town. Our commitment to building a successful tiny city builder remains unwavering. In the midst of these efforts, we also take time to appreciate the unique aspects of Tiny Town. From its smallest buildings to its intricate road networks, Tiny Town stands as a testament to the creativity and challenge of Cities Skylines 2. Every decision we make is aimed at preserving the charm and functionality of this tiny city. Join us in this episode as we continue to build, adjust, and optimize Tiny Town in Cities Skylines 2. Your feedback and support are invaluable as we navigate the complexities of the new Economy 2.0 update. Don't miss out on the latest developments in our journey to create the smallest Cities Skylines city. If you enjoyed this video, please hit the thumbs up button and leave a comment. Share your thoughts on the new Economy 2.0 update and how it has impacted your own Cities Skylines 2 experience. Don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications so you never miss an update from Tiny Town. Thank you for watching and being part of our Cities Skylines 2 community. #CitiesSkylines2 #CitiesSkylinesTinyTown #TinyCityBuilder #TinyBuildings #SmallestCitiesSkylinesCity #CityBuilding #EconomyUpdate #Gaming #SimulationGames #LetsPlay