[10시간피아노] 도서관에서 듣는 감성적이고 조용한 피아노음악 | Emotional and quiet piano music in the library
Original Piano Music Composed and Played by Sentimental Photo by Sentimental ⓒ 2022 Sentimental All rights reserved 감정을 건드리는 피아노 음악을 전해드리는 [SENTIMENTAL] 입니다 무언가에 집중하고 싶을 때 혹은 아무 생각도 하기 싫을 때 조용히 자기만의 시간을 가질 때 들으시면 좋을만한 [SENTIMENTAL]이 작곡하고 연주하는 피아노 음악들입니다 [SENTIMENTAL]의 피아노 곡이 들으시는 구독자님들의 귀에 거슬리지 않도록 또한 너무 반복되게 들리지 않도록 섬세하게 작곡하고 연주했구요 장시간 들어도 피로감이 없도록 사운드에도 많은 신경을 썼습니다 오늘도 [SENTIMENTAL]과 행복한 하루 보내세요💛 [SENTIMENTAL] is a piano music that touches your emotions When you want to focus on something or when you don't want to think about anything, It's a song that's good to listen to when you have your own time These are piano music composed and played by [SENTIMENTAL] The piano piece [SENTIMENTAL] was carefully composed and performed to ensure it does not sound harsh to the ears of our listeners or feel overly repetitive We also paid great attention to the sound quality to make it soothing even during extended listening sessions Wishing you a happy day with [SENTIMENTAL] today as well 💛 感情に触れるピアノ音楽をお届けする [SENTIMENTAL]です。 何かに集中したい時、 あるいは何も考えたくない時 静かに自分だけの時間を持つ時に聞くといいような [SENTIMENTAL]が作曲して演奏するピアノ音楽です ピアノ曲「SENTIMENTAL」は、リスナーの皆様の耳に不快に響かないように、また、繰り返しが多すぎて単調に感じられないように、細やかに作曲・演奏しました。長時間聴いても疲れないサウンドになるよう、音質にも細心の注意を払っています。今日も「SENTIMENTAL」と共に幸せな一日をお過ごしください💛 💛[SENTIMENTAL]의 음악이 좋으셨다면 구독과 좋아요, 알림설정 부탁드립니다 💛If you liked the music of "SENTIMENTAL", please subscribe, like, and set the notification 💛「SENTIMENTAL」の音楽が良かったら購読と、いいね通知設定をお願いします。 💚음악을 다운받아 다른곳에 사용하지 말아주세요 💚Please don't download the music and use it elsewhere 💚音楽をダウンロードして他の所には使用しないでください。 💙연관해시태그 #meditationmusic,#yogamusic,#studymusic,#spamusic #relaxingmusic, #sleep, #sleepmusic, #sleeping, #meditation