MY THANKSGIVING DINNER!🦃 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 2024 ‪@deirdreclemons5524‬#thankful #happythanksgiving

MY THANKSGIVING DINNER!🦃 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 2024 ‪@deirdreclemons5524‬#thankful #happythanksgiving

#THANKSGIVINGDINNER2024 HAPPY SUNDAY! DECEMBER 1. 2024! I DIDN'T HAVE TO COOKED SUNDAY DINNER EATING LEFTOVER THANKSGIVING DINNER FOR 3 DAYS!😋🥰😅 #thankforsubscribed #thanksforwatching #thanksforwatchingvideo #cookingchannel #homecooking MY THANKSGIVING DINNER ON THURSDAY 11/28/2024 #butterballturkey #turkey #honeyham #collardgreens #turnip #dressing #yam #thanksgod #sweetpotatopie #eggpie #cranberrysauce #sweetpotatorecipes Please Like This Video Give This Video A Thumb Up, 👍 Please Subscribe, Share My Cooking Channel With Your Friends And Family. And Don't Forget to Keep Your Notification Bell 🔔 On For The Latest Video I Uploaded On My Cooking Channel! Follow Me: Join My Other Social Media Platforms: Instagram: @deirdreclemons TikTok: @dross19 Facebook: @deirdreclemons Snapchat: @demetriarossum Email: [email protected] @deirdreclemons @SouthernCookingRecipes01 I am a Entrepreneur, #entrepreneur and Author of Southern Soul-food Cookin' #author "The Taste of East Texas." #easttexas #businesswomen #diy #promotions #product. Now I am stepping in Year 2022 I continue to Celebrate myself #celebrate because I don't need to wait for anyone to #acknowledge my #growth and the #beauty of my #soul. The #key to #success is to #focus our #consciousmind #fear." ~ #love #nature and #power #attracts #support #universe #receive #loving #kindness that you #give to #others returns to you #ampliified #flow #purity #selfless #love #shared #life, #supports #transition #prayer #prosper #foodlover #foodblogger #comfortfood #cookingshow #cookingchannel #mukbangfoods