May 23rd, 2021 | First Presbyterian Church of Holland, MI
The Sunday Worship Service for May 23rd, 2021 from the First Presbyterian Church of Holland, MI. For more information, visit our website: fpcholland.org. We are thankful for all the worship participants today: Rev. Linda Male Rev. Paul Van Kempen Dr. Charles Norris Emily Grabinksi Andrew Plaisier Nicholas Norris Jan Van Faasen, liturgist Bruce Rosensteel, cantor ORDER OF WORSHIP MAY 23, 2021 Pentecost Sunday 0:31 - LIFE AT FIRST 1:45 - SONG OF GATHERING No. 283 Come, O Holy Spirit, Come 2:26 - LIGHTING THE CHRIST CANDLE 3:05 - HYMN No. 280 Come, O Spirit, Dwell Among Us 5:45 - PRAYER OF CONFESSION 6:23 - PRAYER FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT No. 288 Spirit of the Living God 7:37 - TIME WITH CHILDREN 10:36 - ANTHEM Adagio in B Minor, K. 540 W.A. Mozart, arr. T.K. Murray 19:19 - SCRIPTURE & SERMON 38:36 - HYMN No. 23 God, You Spin the Whirling Planets 40:20 - PRAYERS OF PENTECOST AND THE LORD’S PRAYER 44:13 - OFFERING 45:00 - CLOSING HYMN No. 296 Go in Grace and Make Disciples 46:49 - BENEDICTION 47:32 - SONG OF SENDING No. 298 Lord, You Give the Great Commission