relaxing repot with some gorgeous plants, my potting mixes | an open chat & catch up
Let my sponsor BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you - all from the comfort of your own home. Visit https://betterhelp.com/basieplants and enjoy a special discount on your first month. If you have any questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are licensed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation model, check out this FAQ: https://www.betterhelp.com/your-quest... Hello everyone! After couple of chaotic videos I decided to do a relaxing repot with some of my most gorgeous plants - there are some Episcias, Hoyas, and a VERY unexpected Philodendron. I will also tell you exactly how I make potting mixes - different ones too - for Aroids, Hoyas, Begonias & Gesneriads. This will definitely be very chatty, so get ready! __________ Do you want to support my channel on Patreon? PATREON: / basieplants __________ CHAPTERS: 00:00 hi, hello & the plan(ts) for today 06:38 self-doubt, confidence & decision-making 13:13 how to use sphagnum moss - hydrating, use & propagation tips 16:05 making my Hoya mix, ingredients I use 21:11 making my Begonia mix (terrarium mix) 24:52 my Aroid mix 25:27 my Gesneriad mix 26:06 variegated Episcia repot :) 29:50 why my content changed.& am I still serious about Hoyas? 40:49 Begonia repot & rare Begonia update 44:07 I like Pink Princess now + de-mossing & repot. 45:42 a note on propagation and when to transition cuttings 47:30 pursuing other hobbies 52:47 criticism and honesty 57:46 Hoya repot 01:00:14 planned plant collection upgrades - IKEA lights 01:02:46 a note on frequent Hoya repotting 01:04:02 repotting new Hoya cuttings & trellis tips 01:10:11 have a great day! __________ Do you want to connect with me? INSTAGRAM: @basie.plants BUSINESS EMAIL: [email protected] __________ People & Channels Mentioned in the video: TImea’s IG page: https://www.instagram.com/tthoyas?igs... Vitaliy’s IG page/ hoyaplantssweden: https://www.instagram.com/hoyaplantss... Eva’s YouTube Channel - Eva’s Home - Vintage & DIY / @evashomevintagediy Kathi’s YouTube Channel - NerdyKathi / @nerdykathi Fern’s YouTube Channel - wildfern / @wildfern Michelle’s YouTube Channel - Michelle Herren / @herrenfam Betsy’s YouTube Channel - Betsy Begonia / @betsybegonia Annabel’s YouTube Channel - The Orchid Room / @theorchidroom Let’s Talk Hoya Podcast https://www.letstalkhoyapodcast.com/ __________ Music: I use Epidemic sound: www.epidemicsound.com __________ Get one one-month free trial of Epidemicsound here! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... This is a referral link. By signing up for Epidemic sound, you help me get my next month for free. Pretty awesome! ___________ #relaxingrepot