Forest Nature Sound Water Flowing-Johnnie Lawson Dark Screen Birdsong-#blackscreenrelaxingsleep
Welcome to everyone from every part of this beautiful planet to my quiet corner of the internet #johnnielawsonnaturesounds. This stream soundscape is natures 'music for sleep, water and birds' and for our Spanish speaking friends that would be #musicaparadormiraguaypajaros. I know there are many Spanish viewers who are searching for this exact #blackscreennaturesounds video. These #naturesoundsblackscreen videos are perfect for anyone searching for a calming sound to help them have a better more relaxing sleep. #relaxingnaturesounds playing in the background will help you in so many areas of your life. #naturesounds help you to relax for more productive study seasons, deeper meditations and relaxing your mind to help you relieve anxiety and tension. In response to your requests and wishes, I will be bringing you this unique Dark/Black screen collection of Nature Soundscapes over the next while. These will be particularly helpful for those of you who have slow internet connections and who like to play my soundscapes overnight while you sleep. I would however suggest that you regularly take a wander through my visual videos of the beautiful and peaceful locations I film Irelands wonderful landscape. This will help you familiarise yourself with the visual feast that nature has to offer. It is very important that we remain as connected with nature as possible. Modern life draws us further and further away from nature. This has encouraged a deep and saddening disconnect with the natural environment, resulting in us viewing nature more as a commodity, merely a commercial resource to exploit for monetary gain and something separate from us rather than something with which we are deeply and intrinsically connected. More and more, modern life draws us further and further away from nature. These black screen videos are a mere hint at what nature has to offer, to this end please connect as often as you can with videos which include the visual of each scene. Best of all obviously is to regularly get out into nature and experience her beauty first hand, opening all your senses and truly experiencing all that nature has to offer. I know and understand this is not possible for so so many people on this beautiful planet of ours to connect one to one with nature for a myriad of reasons. If I could capture for you nature in all it’s glory and wonder, so you could see, feel, smell, taste and listen to her I would, but the technology just isn’t there yet. I would capture the wonderful scent of the trees on a gentle wind, the smell of the sea air. I would capture the feel of the grass between your fingers as you sit on a river bank, the feel of an ocean breeze as you wander by the waters edge. I would capture the taste of salt on the air as it blows in off the ocean, or the taste of wild flowers that hangs upon a forest breeze. If technology were advanced enough for me to do this I would be sending you scenes from nature that you could experience to their fullest,. Maybe someday technology will be that advanced. As it is, it is very important for me to capture for you as true a sense of each location as is possible. These black screen videos have their place but immersing yourself in an audiovisual experience is a step closer to being in nature rather than just listening to it’s soundscape. All that said, as you listen to these soundscapes, do take the opportunity to imagine yourself in a beautiful place in nature and conjure up in your minds eye the feel of what is a round you, feel the air as it caresses your skin, sense the scene that the sounds evoke, taste and smell the air as it carries the salt from the sea or the aroma of flowers and trees. Get the most from the experience and the time you spend here with these soundscapes and to please share them with your friends. Thank you so much for your support. If you are new to my channel, ‘Céad míle fáilte’, a thousand welcomes to you and I look forward to your visits. Johnnie Lawson Here are a few playlists you may find interesting:- Relaxation, 8 Hours of Nature Sounds • Relaxation-Nature Sounds-8 Hours Natural Sleep Aid Sounds • Natural Sleep Aid Natural Recordings of Birds Singing • Birds Singing Recordings of Natural Water Sounds • Water Sound Here is a playlist of my Black Screen Videos for you to enjoy. • Relaxing Stormy Sea-Black/Dark Screen... #naturesounds #darkscreen #blackscreen 10 of your favourite ‘Nature Sounds’ in one great package + 2 Bonus tracks - 100hrs. of relaxing nature; forest, waterfall, bird sounds https://gum.co/mostpopularsoundscapec... Including ‘Stormy Sea’ #soundsofnature #relaxingsounds #birdsong #naturesoundsforsleeping #relaxingnaturesounds #birdsounds #sleepingsound