Make My Melody House with Kuromi Bedroom, Lego Aquarium from Cardboard - DIY Miniature House

Make My Melody House with Kuromi Bedroom, Lego Aquarium from Cardboard - DIY Miniature House

Make My Melody House with Kuromi Bedroom, Lego Aquarium from Cardboard - DIY Miniature House Hello babe! Alice here. Welcome to Cardboard World ❤️ In this video, you'll learn how to build an Make My Melody House with Kuromi Bedroom, Lego Aquarium from Cardboard.The house has bedroom, kitchen, living room, swimming pool and rainbow slide. Join us and create a stunning miniature dream house that Barbie will love. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more amazing video! ___________________________________________________________________________________ 0:00 | Make My Melody House with Kuromi Bedroom, Lego Aquarium from Cardboard - DIY Miniature House ___________________________________________________________________________________ Title : ( English ) Make My Melody House with Kuromi Bedroom, Lego Aquarium from Cardboard - DIY Miniature House ( Español ) Haz mi casa de Melody con dormitorio de Kuromi y acuario de cartón con Lego - Casa en miniatura DIY ( Português ) Faça My Melody House com Kuromi Bedroom, Lego Aquarium em cartão - DIY Miniature House ( 한국어 ) 쿠로미 침실, 레고 수족관이 있는 마이 멜로디 하우스 만들기 - 골판지로 만든 DIY 미니어처 하우스 ( 日本人 ) 段ボールで作るクロミの寝室とレゴ水族館のあるマイメロディハウス - DIY ミニチュアハウス (Hindi) कार्डबोर्ड से कुरोमी बेडरूम, लेगो एक्वेरियम के साथ मेरा मेलोडी हाउस बनाएं - DIY मिनिएचर हाउस ___________________________________________________________________________________ Dear all my friends, We love a TINY things, MINIATURE HOUSE and MINI items. And We wanna share our PASSION with all people in the world ! "Over 1.9 billion people log into YouTube every month" so i created this channel and build some cute things from cardboard and daily supplies, Recycling them and make some things good from discarded items also cardboard. I wanna share my stories, wanna creating something cute for the world and give you guys relax time with my videos. I also wanna teach you make something cute, bring good things to the world, bring great videos to you ! We specializes in creating small houses and pretty small objects with easy-to-implement materials. Our Chanel Not Suitable for children 13 years and younger. Would you like to join with us on this exciting journey - the journey called Cardboard World? If you have any IDEA please COMMENT babe, i will build it for you with all my love ❤️ Thank you and please subscribe my channel. ______________________________________________________________________________ Wanna see more cute things and colorful room decor, visit my playlist : ______________________________________________________________________________ Love Cardboard House, Creative Packed Good from Cardboard, Let's watch this video : How To Make Aquarium Around Miniature Rainbow House from Cardboard ❤️ DIY Miniature House    • How To Make Aquarium Around Miniature...   (EASY) Build Pink and Blue Miniature House from Cardboard for Your Pet ❤️ DIY Miniature House    • (EASY) Build Pink and Blue Miniature ...   ____________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Facebook :   / tiny-world-227935348563437   Follow me on Twitter :   / cardboardworld1   Subcribe me on Youtube : Follow me Babe ❤️ Subcribe me now ! ____________________________________________________________________________ DIY Miniature Cardboard House From Cardboard World Official Channel #DIYMiniatureCardboardHouse #DecorRoom #DIYMiniature #minihouse #miniature #cardboardhouse #miniaturehouse Copyright Cardboard World © 2024. All rights reserved