Flooring Regrets & Christmas Tree Hacks!

Flooring Regrets & Christmas Tree Hacks!

Thanks Helix for sponsoring! Go to https://helixsleep.com/minimalmom to get up to $200 off your mattress, plus two free pillows. Tom started installing our new "PLVP" flooring and stopped mid-way not sure if we liked the color or not! We'll also put up our Christmas tree and share a few of our favorite tips when it comes to putting it up and decorating! Plus, our new workbook, Declutter Your Home in 15 Minutes a Day is on sale now! See detail below! :: W O R K B O O K D E T A I L S :: The workbooks are $20 through Monday (digital or spiral bound). Shipping: $4 flat rate domestic US (no matter how many you order) Physical Workbook: https://cli.re/Spiral-Bound-Workbook Digital Workbook: https://cli.re/Digital-Workbook Declutter in 15 Minutes a Day Course: https://cli.re/Course Help with orders: Support@TheMinimalMom.com All sales are pre-order! The workbook will ship or be electronically delivered on Dec. 15, 2021 The course begins Dec. 26, 2021 ................................................................. Practical Christmas Gift Ideas for 2021:    β€’ 25 Useful Christmas Gift Ideas 2021   My earrings (support a GREAT cause): https://cli.re/Heart-Earrings :: DECLUTTERING PLAYLISTS :: New to our channel & Minimalism? Start Here :: https://cli.re/START-HERE Kitchen Decluttering :: https://cli.re/Kitchen-Decluttering Storage Spaces :: https://cli.re/declutter-storage-spaces Kids' Toys :: https://cli.re/toys-playlist Sentimental Things :: https://cli.re/Decluttering-Sentiment... :: OUR AMAZON STOREFRONT :: https://www.amazon.com/shop/minimalmom :: Thank you for your support! :: N E E D M O R E S U P P O R T ? :: We have two ways to get more decluttering help: The Minimal Mom Private Membership Group https://cli.re/minimal-mom-private-group Take Your House Back Course https://www.takeyourhouseback.com :: C U R R E N T L Y R E A D I N G :: "Get Your Life Back" by John Eldredge: https://amzn.to/32M6I4k "Essentialism" by Greg McKeown: https://amzn.to/2Ow3Cgk Favorite decluttering book - "Decluttering at the Speed of Life" by Dana K. White (A Slob Comes Clean): https://amzn.to/3cgHSNh :: LISTEN FOR FREE ON AUDIBLE :: https://amzn.to/2ItCr2f πŸ–€ FACEBOOK:   / minimalmom   πŸ–€ INSTAGRAM:   / the.minimal.mom   :: M O S T P O P U L A R O N O U R B L O G R I G H T N O W :: Elf on the Shelf ARRIVAL Letters Index: https://cli.re/elf-shelf-arrival Elf on the Shelf DOLLAR TREE Ideas: https://cli.re/elf-dollar-tree Top 10 TEACHER GIFTS: https://cli.re/teacher-gift The BEST Pumpkin Spice Bundt Cake: https://cli.re/pumpkin-bundt Super Easy Peach Cobbler: https://cli.re/peach-cobbler A New Way to Look at Christmas Gifts: https://cli.re/gifts-more-meaningful Simplify Christmas with FAMILY who don't want to: https://cli.re/simplify-christmas #minimalism #familyminimalism #minimalist :: M O S T P O P U L A R V I D E O S R I G H T N O W :: 57 Things We No Longer Buy:    β€’ 57 Things We Don't Buy Anymore | Fami...   Minimalist Family HOUSE TOUR:    β€’ πŸ’šNew: Minimalist Family HOUSE TOUR πŸ  ...   Eliminate Paper Clutter Video Part 1:    β€’ Eradicate Paper Clutter Once & for al...   Cook MORE, Clean LESS:    β€’ Simplify your Kitchen QUICKLY: cook m...   How to Declutter WITHOUT Making a Mess:    β€’ How to Declutter WITHOUT Making a Mess!   15 Things Your KITCHEN DOESN'T NEED:    β€’ 15 Things Your Kitchen Doesn't Need   Organized Minimalist HOUSE TOUR:    β€’ My Organized Minimalist House Tour (F...   The Silent To-Do List:    β€’ The Silent To-Do List (this is LIFE C...   FAVORITE Productivity Tip (ever!!):    β€’ How to create a "SUPER PLANNER" for i...   *AFFILIATE LINKS! THANK YOU!!!* .............. πŸ› Affiliate links: πŸ“· Camera #1 (that I LOVE!! We made our first 450 video with this & still highly recommend): Canon G7X Mark II https://amzn.to/2o9hWLi πŸ“· Camera #2 (also really like & easy to use!): Canon M50 https://amzn.to/3jwkEro with Sigma 16mm Lens https://amzn.to/3h7YkDd and shotgun mic https://amzn.to/3jxYYeC ⌚Watch: (also LOVE ;) Garmin Vivoactive 3 (White & Rose Gold) https://amzn.to/2HPGFQr πŸ–€ Tripod: https://amzn.to/2MMFzHs .............. Royalty-free music used with permission from the YouTube Creator Studio, Epidemic Sound and purchased from AudioJungle.net