Sunday Morning Worship Service - 12/4/22 - Bishop William Willimon
Here is the worship guide for this service: https://chapel.duke.edu/sites/default... . Duke Chapel is home to a long—and living—tradition of faithful preaching and inspiring sacred music. Join us online as we sing, pray, give thanks, and learn together. You are invited to make an offering here: https://chapel.duke.edu/offering . View an online version of the hymnal here: https://hymnary.org/hymnal/UMH . View the worship guide here: https://chapel.duke.edu/sites/default... Subscribe to the Duke Chapel Sermons podcast on Apple Podcasts— https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d... —or on Spotify— https://open.spotify.com/show/3WxxqxV... . Live captions are auto-generated by YouTube. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License # A-725399. All rights reserved.