Christmas in Connecticut 1945, Barbara Stanwyck, Dennis Morgan, full movie reaction #christmasmovie

Christmas in Connecticut 1945, Barbara Stanwyck, Dennis Morgan, full movie reaction #christmasmovie

Delightful story of war hero Dennis Morgan, returned home from being stranded at sea. It's Christmas-time but he has no family to celebrate with and the young nurse who wants to marry him fears he'll get away if she can't provide him a true homey Christmas experience. She reaches out to the publisher of a magazine whose writer, Barabara Stanwyck, is a Martha Stewart predecssor and is said to have a farm in Connecticut. The pressure is insurmountable to take in the young war hero for the holiday, and all plans are forced to move ahead by the pushy publisher, who invites himself along too. The only problem is Stanwyck can't boil water, and lives in a small apartment in Brooklyn. The mayhem that ensues to properly receive the returning war hero is hilarious and romantic. A classic Christmas movie staple! This video is a bring your own copy watch-along as there is no current upload of it free on Youtube. check our pinterest board for beautiful pics from this movie: time stamps 0:00 - Intro 21:27 - "playing in 3-2-1 click" countdown Watch Along Steps: Step 1 - Launch your copy of the movie to bring it up, but don't start it yet. Step 2 - watch this 20 second video for tips on watching the reaction and movie on one screen:    • how to watch reaction and movie on on...   Step 3 - Come Back to this video, watch until we get to the "playing in 3-2-1 click" countdown Step 4 - We press play on the movie together and watch and laugh and have a ball together! Subscribe to my channel here:    / @crucialclassicsmoviereactions   Join my membership site! 3 monthly plans available starting at $5, or rent any video $2/30 days: Member Exclusive Films $5/month - Titles not watched on YouTube *see collection: *purchase link: Ad-free YouTube content $5/month - all titles on this channel, ad-free *see collection: *purchase link: Complete Experience $8/month - All YT ad-free & Member Exclusives: *all titles in above collections: *purchase link: barbara stanwyck movies, christmas in connecticut 1945 full movie, christmas in connecticut, #classicchristmas #christmasmovies #classicmoviearchive #classicchristmasmovies #holidaymovie #holidaymovies #oldchristmasmovies Consider a personal heater this winter: Consider a heated blanket this winter: My new 15 foot 4K HDMI cable, working like a charm: The portable A/C you heard in my uploads this summer: "As an amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases."