Vargo plays CHRISTMAS at Coastal Community Church

Vargo plays CHRISTMAS at Coastal Community Church

There are few churches who are open-minded enough to welcome the music of Vargo to play Christmas music...but here we are! On December 10th, 2023, Vargo played at Coastal Community Church in Grover Beach, giving our unique take on some Christmas classics, as well as a few original tunes. The video is a combination of two services, a 9am and a 10:40am service. Don't be alarmed if certain members of the audience seemingly disappear and's all part of video editing magic! 00:00 Start 00:02 O Holy Night 04:47 God Rest Ye Merry Djentlemen 10:37 Near To Us (original) 17:02 Christmas 2023 (original) 24:53 Sarajevo 12/24 (Carol of the Bells)