CHAD is Hiding Something! (LEAKED PHOTOS)

CHAD is Hiding Something! (LEAKED PHOTOS)

WE CAUGHT CWC... After Chad Wild Clay made "Who is Lying about Hackers in my House?", Vy Qwaint created "HACKERS LEAK OUR PICTURES!", Daniel Gizmo uploaded "She SPILLS THE TEA on CWC", Vy is in the process of analyzing the new found photo circulating the inter-webs. Its a photo of Chad and some other woman! This news, discovered by the social media spy ninja Regina, is a confusing piece of information to figure out. Vy, being the understanding and loving wife of Chad, knows that there has to be a reason behind all of this madness. Fortunately, or rather unfortunately for Chad, he's out of the safe house for an errand! How coincidental! This gives the team some time to determine how to even handle this mysterious, and even more Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy adventure vlog video in 2022! Watch my friend’s awesome videos: Preston - World’s Biggest YouTuber Hide and Seek Challenge    • I HUNTED 50 YouTubers for $100,000!   Ben Azelart - EXTREME HIDE AND SEEK IN BOXES CHALLENGE! (PART 2)    • EXTREME HIDE AND SEEK IN BOXES CHALLE...   Ryan Trahan - I Survived On $0.01 For 30 Days - Day 11    • I Survived On $0.01 For 30 Days - Day 11   Dangie Bros - DONT Press the Trap Door Button.. MYSTERY BUTTON BOX    • DONT Press the Trap Door Button.. *MY...   Dhar Mann - Curly Haired KID TEASED At School Ft. @Tony Jeffries | Dhar Mann    • Curly Haired KID TEASED For ACCENT At...   ▶ Official Spy Ninjas Website - ▶ SPY NINJAS GADGETS - ▶ SPY NINJAS & CWC Merch - ▶ SPY NINJA Mobile App Game - Watch Spy Ninjas on YouTube here: ▶ Chad -    / chadwildclay   ▶ Vy -    / vyqwaint   ▶ Daniel -    / @danielgizmo   ▶ Regina -    / @reginaginera   ▶ Melvin PZ9 -    / @melvinpz9   Spy Ninjas TikTok: ▶ Chad -   / chadwildclay   ▶ Vy -   / vyqwaint   ▶ Daniel -   / danielgizmo   ▶ Regina -   / reginaginera   ▶ Melvin -   / spyninjaexhackermelvin   Spy Ninjas' Instagram: ▶ Spy NInjas -   / spyninjas   ▶ Chad -   / chadwildclay   ▶ Vy -   / vyqwaint   ▶ Daniel -   / cwcdaniel   ▶ Regina -   / cwcregina   ▶ Melvin PZ9 -   / spyninjamelvin   Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here