how to fix P0420, P0430 Engine Check Light - Causes and Genuine Solution | Catalytic Converter
how to fix P0420, P0430 Engine Check Light - Causes and Genuine Solution | Catalytic Converter in this video we will talk about catalytic converter problem and it's solution, will share my knowledge with you how you can fix three way catalytic converter problem, i explain this video in very simple words hope so you will understand, there are many peoples messages me on Whatsapp having this issue means engine check light p0420 , p0430 catalyst efficiency threshold, this video is your last hope. make sure to give like and subscribe thank for your time. Your Queries : catalytic converter problem and solution, three way catalytic converter, catalytic converter engine check light, broken catalytic converter, what is catalytic converter, p420 engine check light, p0430 engine check light, catalyst system efficiency below threshold (bank 1), catalyst system efficiency below threshold (bank 2), p0430 bank 2, how do i fix code p0430, what is catalytic converter, catalytic converter benefits, cars having catalytic converter, catalytic converter cleaning, catalyst converter, catalyst material, Follow Us On Social Media :- Subscribe : / @aishaautocarelahore Follow Us On Instagram :- Instagram : / aishaautocarelahore Follow Us On Facebook :- Facebook Page Lahore : / aishaautocare Facebook Page Islamabad : / aishaautoislamabad Follow Us On TikTok :- TikTok : / aishaauto DISCLAIMER : This Channel DOES NOT Promote or encourage Any illegal activities , all contents provided by This Channel Is Meant For Educational Purpose Only.