Grace Toronto Church - (June 27, 2021 Service)
Welcome to the Grace Toronto Church Sunday service livestream on JUNE 27. Join us here or visit https://gracetoronto.ca/livestream​. Sermon Title - Wisdom Over Wealth Sermon Series - Proverbs: Wisdom for Life Scripture Passage - Proverbs 3: 9-10, 13-18 Timestamp - 39:18 Links & Announcements Below🔻 -------------------------------------------------------------------- NO COFFEE HOUR TODAY Please join us for our congregational update after the service. -------------------------------------------------------------------- DIACONATE NOMINATIONS Nominations are now open for Grace Toronto Members to nominate new Diaconate candidates! https://forms.gle/8GBrtFWCmgu37gwC8 If you have questions about our Diaconate, please visit gracetoronto.ca/diaconate-overview TOWN HALL Make plans to stay after the service on Sunday June 27th for an update on our ministries at Grace Toronto. THE SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION (CLASS) Join us on Thursday July 8th and 15th from 8-9PM for a 2-Part Teaching Series on the Sacrament of Communion. We’ll be looking at what the Lord's Supper is, what it does, and how one participates. Register here: https://forms.gle/4c4pjx8WX16U5HzR7 FAITH, WORK & FAMILY SEMINAR Join us for an evening discussion to explore the intersection between faith, work, family, and rest on Tuesday, July 20th at 8:30pm. We will discuss these topics and hear from a panel of couples about how parents can faithfully pursue their callings, while juggling numerous family commitments. Register here: https://forms.gle/TcU4JB2Y4LtYhnwr7 WINE & CHRISTIANITY All are welcome to attend a wine tasting and brief talk on the relationship between wine and the Christian faith, led by Rev. Jeff Hynds. There is no cost to attend, but participants are suggested to buy any bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon in advance of the evening. The guided tasting will feature this grape varietal. Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FA... SUPPORT If you are in any form of need or if you are able to help others, please visit http://www.gracetoronto.ca/help​ or visit http://www.gracetoronto.ca/prayer​ to submit your prayers.