Your Guide to Get Pregnant Quickly with Premom - Cycle 2 | TTC Series with Dr. Patti Haebe

Your Guide to Get Pregnant Quickly with Premom - Cycle 2 | TTC Series with Dr. Patti Haebe

You have the ovulation tracking tools and now know how to use them, but are you sure you are ovulating? Confirming ovulation with basal body temperature tracking is an important next step in your journey to parenthood. Dr. Patti Haebe explains how to confirm you are ovulating, how to track your basal body temperature, and how you can predict and confirm your ovulation all within Premom. Use code: BBT20 on off your smart basal thermometer purchase! BT Basal Thermometer:​... TTC Series: 1. Getting Started - Preconception Planning -    • Your Guide to Get Pregnant Quickly wi...  ​ 2. Cycle 1 - Tracking Ovulation -    • Your Guide to Get Pregnant Quickly wi...   Ovulation matters when trying to get pregnant. We at Premom know how important tracking your fertility and pinpointing your fertile window is to be able to get pregnant. We have created a video series that will guide you along each cycle of your TTC journey towards getting pregnant naturally with the Premom app! Download the Premom App for free: iOS:​ Android:​ Products: Easy@Home 50 LH + 20 HCG Test Strips: Quantitative LH Strips: BT Basal Thermometer: ____________________________________________________________________ Join our TTC Facebook group:​ Learn more at:​ Follow us on - Facebook:   / premomfertility   Instagram:   / premomfertility   Twitter:   / premomfertility​   Pinterest:   / premomfertility   TikTok:   / premomapp   Please subscribe to our channel to never miss a new video upload! #howtogetpregnantfast​ #ttc​ #gettingpregnant