SJV Sunday Mass 1/12/25 - The Baptism of the Lord (new)
The Baptism of the Lord; January 12, 2025 Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/reading... Weekly Bulletin: https://www.sjvhh.org/bulletin.html Donations: https://www.eservicepayments.com/cgi-... Copyright Acknowledgments: Every Valley by John Ness Beck, To Jordan Jesus Humbly Came, Winchester New, Gloria from “Storrington Mass” by Marty Haugen, Psalm 104: Bless the Lord, My Soul by Angelo della Picca, Christmastime Alleluia by James J. Chepponis, Dismissal of the Catechumens and the Elect by Christopher Walker, Come to the Water by John Foley, SJ, Eucharistic Acclamations from “Mass of the Angels and Saints” by Stephen Janco, Lamb of God by Tom Parker, One Love Released by Mark Frenzel and Kevin Keil, The Church of Christ in Ev’ry Age, O Waly Waly and Songs of Thankfulness and Praise, Mendelssohn are copyrighted and used with permission under OneLicense.net # A-706204. All rights reserved. 0:00 Begin 9:00 Welcome