How To Wake Up Overwintered Dormant Geraniums || Budget Gardening

How To Wake Up Overwintered Dormant Geraniums || Budget Gardening

I will give you step-by-step directions on how to take bare root geraniums out of winter dormancy and get them growing once again. I love saving money and overwintering my geranium plants. Both of these plants would not survive my New Hampshire zone 5b climate. How to take geranium cuttings:    • How To Propagate Geraniums With Cutti...   How to overwinter geraniums:    • How To Overwinter Geraniums Indoors |...   Winter check-in on dormant geraniums:    • Mid-Winter Check On Overwintered Gera...   Grow geraniums from seed:    • How To Grow Geraniums From Seed || Bu...   Affordable & Easy Grow Lights:    • Affordable & Easy Grow Lights 💲🌱   Let's chat! Leave a comment if you have a gardening-related question that I can answer or an idea for future videos! 📷 Follow me on Instagram for updates, announcements, and pictures of my gardens:   / budgetgardeningvita   #geranium #gardenhacks #pelargonium