Claude Debussy's famous melody Moonlight and Atelier des Lumières  in Paris, Van Gogh

Claude Debussy's famous melody Moonlight and Atelier des Lumières in Paris, Van Gogh

Imagine the paintings of the great Van Gogh coming to life around you. On the walls, on the ceiling, on the floor, you seem to find yourself inside the canvases, feeling every stroke of the artist. An amazing multimedia exhibition of the master's works has opened at the Atelier des Lumières in Paris– the first museum of digital art in France. The most famous works of Van Gogh – "Potato Eaters" (1885) and "Starry Night" (1889), as well as little-known works, come to life to the music of the Italian Luca Longobardi. The thematic route through the museum traces the stages of the artist's life and his stay in Nuenen, Oryol, Paris, Saint-Remy-de-Provence and Auvers-sur-Oise.