Timeless Wisdom | Homily | Friendship in the Lord | Feast of St Luke | Fr Weyms Sanchez SJ
Friendship in the Lord can only be seen if we are able to see the christ who binds us together as friends And so it is very important that we try to live according to the values of Christ and try to make others see the Christ in us more easily and readily and at the same time we try to see the Christ in others 1st Reading: 2 Timothy 4:10-17B Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18 Alleluia: John 15:16 Gospel: Luke 10:1-9 Rev. Fr. Weyms S. Sanchez, SJ Mass Presider | Homilist Friendship in the Lord | Feast of St Luke, Evangelist Santa Maria Parish October 18, 2022 | 5:30 PM Special thanks to: Rev. Fr. Weyms S. Sanchez, SJ Video Courtesy: Santa Maria Parish #FeastofStLukeEvangelist #homilyFrWeymsSanchezSJ #santamariaparish #jesuitsPH To our viewers, as the channel is now monetized we are committed that ads will be kept at a minimal exposure so you can ponder well as you listen through the homilies. Yes, earnings may be small with this set up, we believe even a small amount will be of help in the outreach programs for the marginalized sector of society. Furthermore, this channel does not collect and will never solicit any kind of donation. Should you wish to donate please directly visit the official website of your chosen institution. Thank you for your continued Support! That in all things God may be glorified! Timeless Wisdom | Homily | Friendship in the Lord | Feast of St Luke | Fr Weyms Sanchez SJ Timeless Wisdom a Food for the Soul