![RESIDENT EVIL 8 VILLAGE - Sirotinja Igra Demo #2 [BALKAN]](https://krtube.net/image/Q6rhw6DKVRc.webp)
RESIDENT EVIL 8 VILLAGE - Sirotinja Igra Demo #2 [BALKAN]
Resident Evil Village smešten je tri godine nakon događaja Resident Evil 7. Ethan Vinters vraća se kao glavni junak. Ethan živi sa suprugom Mijom i novorođenom ćerkom Rosemari, kad se iznenada pojavi Chris Redfield i njegovi ljudi, hladnokrvno ubijaju njegovu suprugu a otimaju njega i ćerku i odvode ih u misteriozno evropsko selo smešteno u Transilvaniji u Rumuniji. Ethan mora da "pređe" selo da bi spasio Rosemari. Selom upravljaju četiri različita gospodara mutanta, koji kontrolišu svoje snage iz uporišta u selu. Dama Alcina Dimitrescu, izuzetno visoka vampir aristokrata, vodi svoje tri ćerke i druge iz svog uporišta, zamka Dimitrescu. Karl Heisenberg predvodi grupu bića nalik vukodlacima iz savremene fabrike. Salvatore Moreau zapoveda brojnim mermenima iz jezera u blizini sela i opisan je kao „car riba“. Donna Beneviento vlada iz svoje vile House Beneviento i kontrolise marionetu po imenu Angie. Sve kuće odgovaraju liku sličnom božanstvu Majci Mirandi, vladarki sela koja je „prisustvo kome se seljani klanjaju". Resident Evil Village is a survival horror game developed and published by Capcom. It is the tenth main installment in the Resident Evil series and a narrative sequel to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017). It also includes an online multiplayer mode, Resident Evil RE:Verse. The game was announced at the PlayStation 5 reveal event in June 2020 and was released on May 7, 2021, for Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Stadia. Resident Evil Village is set three years after the events of Resident Evil 7. Ethan Winters returns as the protagonist. Ethan has been living with his wife Mia and newborn daughter Rosemary when Chris Redfield and his men suddenly appears, murders his wife in cold blood and kidnaps him, with his baby daughter, to a mysterious European village located in Transylvania, Romania, given the currency used and the names of characters. Ethan has to traverse the village to rescue Rosemary. The village is governed by four different mutant lords, each controlling their own forces from strongholds within the village. Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, an extremely tall vampire-like aristocrat, leads her three daughters and others from her stronghold, Castle Dimitrescu. Karl Heisenberg leads a group of werewolf-like creatures from a contemporary factory. Salvatore Moreau commands a number of mermen from a lake adjacent to the village and is described as a ‘fish king’. Donna Beneviento rules from her mansion, House Beneviento, and controls a puppet named Angie. All houses respond to the deity-like figure Mother Miranda, the ruler of the village who is a "presence worshipped by the villagers. Like Resident Evil 7 (2017), Resident Evil Village uses a first-person perspective. It is set in an explorable village. The inventory management system is similar to that of Resident Evil 4 (2005), featuring a briefcase. Players can buy weapons and items from a merchant, the Duke. The players can also hunt certain animals in the village and have them cooked into dishes by the Duke, eating said dishes allows the player to get advantages such as decreasing the damage taken while blocking. Resident Evil Village includes a six-player online multiplayer game, Resident Evil RE:Verse. The Mercenaries Mode also returns in Village. Like previous Resident Evil entries it is an arcade-style game mode.