My TOP 5 Tennis Forehand Tips That Give You Laser Guided Accuracy

My TOP 5 Tennis Forehand Tips That Give You Laser Guided Accuracy

The tennis forehand tips shared above will help you hit much more consistent forehands. But if you struggle with power, sign up for this free course: Special thanks to Ian Westermann from ‪@EssentialTennis‬ for allowing me to use pro footage! Link to full article: ----------- Tip #1 - Stabilize Your Wrist If you don’t stabilize your wrist, you’ll lose control of the ball or you won't be able to hit with good power. It doesn’t matter if you swing loopy or linear, a stable wrist is key. To do this, start by extending your wrist slightly when you’re about to swing. It’s like a gentle backward bend. Use your non-dominant hand to create a ‘wrist bend’ - just enough wrist extension to keep things stable without tension. Tip #2 - Better Racket Head Awareness Racket awareness is all about knowing where your racket is in space, which is super important for hitting consistently. But many players don’t have this skill because they release their non-dominant hand too early or hold the racket wrong, which makes it hard to control where it’s going. Here’s how to improve your racket awareness: keep your non-dominant hand on the racket throat longer during your swing. This way, your brain can feel where the racket is and how it’s angled, which helps you stay in control. Tip #3 - Body Rotation Many players make the mistake of keeping their hips still, which creates a disconnect between their upper and lower body. This misalignment forces the arm to overcompensate, leading to reduced control and fatigue. To hit a great forehand, fully rotate your body into the shot. When you’re in a neutral stance, engage your hips and rotate through the ball, making sure your entire body moves together. In an open stance, let your hips and shoulders open up and drive through the ball. Proper body rotation helps transfer energy from the ground up, giving you better control and precision. Tip #4 - Balance In Neutral And Open Stances Maintaining balance is key to hitting accurate shots. Many players focus too much on moving their arms, but balance is actually what keeps your shots consistent and controlled. To improve your balance focus on staying still in both open and neutral positions. For a neutral stance, keep your heel down to stay balanced when you hit the ball, and hold your position for a moment before moving to the next shot. This will help you stay more consistent and reduce any unnecessary movement in your shots. Tip #5 - Accurate Direction Control Controlling the direction of your forehand—whether you’re aiming cross-court or down the line—isn’t about changing the angle of your wrist or racket face. Instead, focus on adjusting the timing of when you hit the ball. For a cross-court shot, strike it a bit earlier and closer to your body; for a down-the-line shot, wait a fraction longer and hit it a bit further out. 0:00 Forehand Tips Overview 0:47 Tip #1 - Stabilize Your Wrist 4:55 Tip #2 - Racket Head Awareness 8:47 Tip #3 - Body Rotation Into The Ball 13:25 Tip #4 - Stabilize Yourself 17:36 Tip #5 - Direction Control