WEDNESDAY Holy Rosary - SUNG,  Glorious Mysteries in Song & Sacred Art, Musical Rosary

WEDNESDAY Holy Rosary - SUNG, Glorious Mysteries in Song & Sacred Art, Musical Rosary

TIP JAR: THANKS! Today's Rosary, Glorious mysteries of Our Lady's Musical Rosary. Available on CD or as download at with the other 3 mysteries as a complete set. Or watch them here... Luminous:    • Sung Luminous Mysteries of Our Lady's...   Sorrowful:    • SUNG Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosar...   Glorious:    • The Sung Glorious Mysteries of the Ro...   This is one disc of a four CD set of the sung rosary by Donna Cori available at as CDs or as a DOWNLOAD. Our Lady's Musical Rosary, Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, Glorious mysteries sung with spoken 20 meditations. Give someone you love a copy today and support this apostolate at the same time. Direct like to this video:    • Singing Rosary, Sung Joyful Mysteries...   #gloriousmysteries #holyrosary #holyrosarytoday #wednesdayrosary #rosary #rosarywednesday #rosarywednesday #rosarytoday #todayrosary #sungrosary #sunggloriousmysteries #sungwednesdayrosary Join my prayer group and get FREE🎶MUSIC🎶 DOWNLOADs: "Anima Christi" and "Great Things" and a coupon for a FREE CD at CDs: 25% off everything with coupon "25off" Please support this channel by subscribing and becoming a member at    / @donnacori-sungprayers   or... or... Other videos of sung prayers: Sing of Mary:    • Sing of Mary - the classic hymn with ...   Hail Mary:    • Sung Hail Mary, Contemporary Song LIV...   Hail Mary/Gentle Woman:    • Hail Mary Gentle Woman full version   Memorare:    • Sing the Memorare prayer by Saint Ber...   Ave Maria:    • Ave Maria - Schubert, Orchestra and V...   Sung Spiritual Communion:    • Sung Spiritual Communion by St. Alpho...   Pray a SUNG ROSARY... Joyful:    • Sung Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Ros...   Luminous:    • Sung Luminous Mysteries of Our Lady's...   Sorrowful:    • SUNG Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosar...   Glorious:    • The Sung Glorious Mysteries of the Ro...   SUNG DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET...    • * Sung Divine Mercy Chaplet (in Song)...   FLAME OF LOVE ROSARY: Joyful:    • Flame of Love Rosary - Joyful Mysteri...   Luminous:    • Flame of Love Rosary - Joyful Mysteri...   Sorrowful:    • Flame of Love Rosary - Joyful Mysteri...   Glorious:    • Flame of Love Rosary - Joyful Mysteri...   DAILY AUXILIUM CHRISTIANORUM Monday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Monday Deliv...   Tuesday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Tuesday Deli...   Wednesday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Wednesday De...   Thursday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Thursday Del...   Friday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Friday Deliv...   Saturday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Saturday Del...   Sunday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Sunday Deliv...   _______________________________________ ▶️ 🎶 LISTEN 🎶 🔴 SPOTIFY: 🔴 APPLE MUSIC:   / donna-cori-gibson   🔴 iTUNES:   / donna-cori-gibson   🔴 DEEZER: ▶️ 🎶 FOLLOW 🎶 🔴 FACEBOOK:   / donnacorimusic   🔴 INSTAGRAM:   / donnacoricatholicmusic   SUBSCRIBE - please... ________________________________________ 🙏 WILL YOU PLEASE HELP ME GROW THIS CHANNEL AND LIVESTREAMS? 🙏 ▶️ 1. 🔔 Don’t miss a YouTube Catholic Livestream or Video: PLEASE CLICK SUBSCRIBE, then Click "Notification Bell" = 🔔 and select “all” to be notified of all new videos. ▶️ 2. 👍 Please "Like" this video. ▶️ 3. 📲 Please share this video on Facebook and Twitter using the SHARE button. ▶️ 4. 🎼 BECOME A PATRON and support this Catholic music: ▶️ 5. 🎤 Want MORE? Online lessons for singing, songwriting, recording, chat, questions, spiritual direction with Donna via SKYPE Passing the basket: THANK YOU for your support. #sungglorious #wednesdayrosary #rosarywednesday #rosarytoday #todayrosary #gloriousmysteries #sunggloriousmysteries