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오랜만에 코스트코 장보기 영상이에요! 코스트코 4월 세일이 시작되어서 바로 달려가보았습니다! 그럼 오늘 영상도 즐겁게 봐주세요! Welcome to my Channel! Today, we're shopping at Costco Hope you enjoy! : ) Thank you for watching my video! Please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE & LIKE Click to subscribe to the channel!⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🎶 epidemicsound (Get a month for free!) Instagram @suyeonsea Email mkangs0130@gmail com Copyright ©️ 2022-2023 by 할깡말깡 All rights reserved #코스트코 #코스트코추천상품 #코스트코장보기#costco