CRINKLE COOKIES Easy Lemon and Mint Crinkle Cookies Recipe! Soft-Baked Center & Crackled Texture šŸ‹šŸŖ

CRINKLE COOKIES Easy Lemon and Mint Crinkle Cookies Recipe! Soft-Baked Center & Crackled Texture šŸ‹šŸŖ

Crinkle lemon and mint cookies. Thin crispy crust and fluffy crumb. Very tasty, aromatic cookies with cracks. By pre-rolling the pieces in powdered sugar, an unusual effect is obtained in the form of marble stains and cracks. Therefore, baked goods have an unusual, but at the same time attractive and even festive look. You can change the taste and color as you wish: yellow lemon, green mint, brown chocolate, red strawberry or red velvet. The cookies are prepared as simply as possible, from the most common ingredients and will not take much time. I recommend trying this recipe for cookies. DELICIOUS, try it! šŸ“ŒšŸ“ŒšŸ“Œ CRINKLE COOKIES INGREDIENTS: ā€¢ Flour - 300 g ā€¢ Powdered sugar ā€“ 200 g (+ 2 tbsp.) ā€¢ Baking powder - 10 g ā€¢ Egg - 1 pc ā€¢ Soft butter ā€“ 60 g šŸ‹ Lemon cookies ā€¢ Yellow food coloring - Ā½ tsp ā€¢ Lemon juice - 40 g ā€¢ Lemon zest ā€“ of 1 lemon šŸƒ Mint cookies ā€¢ Green food coloring - Ā½ tsp ā€¢ Mint flavoring - Ā¼ tsp ā€¢ Lemon juice - 10 g (for food coloring) BON APPETIT! šŸ“Œ BANANA PANCAKES Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā HowĀ toĀ cookĀ BANANAĀ PANCAKES??Ā FastĀ Ta...Ā Ā  šŸ“Œ QUICK SOUR CREAM COOKIES Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā HOWĀ TOĀ MAKEĀ COOKIESĀ ONĀ SOURĀ CREAM?Ā 30...Ā Ā  šŸ“Œ PLUM PIE Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā PLUMĀ PIE!Ā INCREDIBLYĀ SIMPLEĀ RECIPE.Ā I...Ā Ā  šŸ“Œ PEACH PIE Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā PEACHĀ PIE!Ā DoĀ youĀ wantĀ toĀ surpriseĀ yo...Ā Ā  šŸ“Œ RED VELVET CAKE / VELOUR Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā REDĀ VELVETĀ CAKEĀ /Ā VELOURĀ šŸŽ‚Ā OVERĀ 100Ā S...Ā Ā  THANK YOU FOR STAYING WITH US!!! SEE YOU SOON!! Turn on subtitles! [cc] They work for you! Subscribe, put likes and cook! Click [cc] in the upper right corner of the video. Then, in the same place, press the three dots - select AUTOMATIC SUBTITLE - then CHOOSE THE LANGUAGE. SUBSCRIBE here: Ā Ā Ā /Ā @good_j_recipesĀ Ā  so you don't miss new videos!! Activate notifications by clicking on the bell. Liked the videoc-don't forget to like and share it with your friends! Thank you!! #GoodjobRECIPES #Cooking #SoYummy #CookingFromScratch #easyrecipe #quickrecipe #Recipe #food #desserts #lemoncookies #cookiesrecipes #mintcookies